casting pot Metal parts
Trusted by Hundreds for Our Pot Metal Welding, Modification & Casting.
Pot Metal parts casting
Here at Pot Metal Repair we do more than just welding and modification. We do pot metal casting as well. Through the process of investment casting, we can reproduce many of your old damaged parts with great accuracy.
Our Pot Metal Casting Process
We take your damaged existing piece and use a soft sandable material to bring forth the original contour then create a silicone mold of your part(s).
We use the newly created mold to create a lost wax copy of your part which in turn is used to create the high temperature plaster mold.
Here’s where the magic happens. After the plaster mold is cured overnight, the mold is then put into a furnace for several hours to “burn out” the lost wax and to harden.
While the casting is still very hot (1000+ degrees) the degassed, molten pot metal is poured into the casting. And if we’ve done it correctly, we’ll have a perfect replica of your existing casted pot metal part.
Some parts cannot be casted directly into a silicone mold due to a missing piece to replicate. In this case, we would have to model from say the opposite side in 3D CAD and create a mirror image for 3D printing saving the image for any future reproductions. This process allows us to skip over the silicone mold and go directly to investment casting.
Once the casting has cooled enough investment casting is washed away from your new pot metal part. Now all it will need is a little trimming, sanding and overall cleanup before it’s ready for plating.
Pot Metal Casting Materials
The pot-metal casting metals used very depending on more or less detail on the part. You see, some of the materials we use form surface detail better than others… You might be asking: “Then why not use the metals that work the best for all?” Pot metal casting materials differ by their flow qualities. In a nutshell, the better it flows better, it will release air and get into the detail of the casting better, but it comes at a price and some loss in strength. However, it produces phenomenal results.
On the other hand, projects with less detail, the basic pot metal casting materials work well enough for good appearance and strength for many decorative parts that are mostly smooth and great for structural and mechanical parts needing strength as well.
The pot metal casting was for an antique Delta Drill press that with no available parts. even though this was a casting, we had nothing to create it from. We casted a piece of pot metal roughly the diameter and thickness, and machined it down via mill and lathe.
Bottom line, we can cast most small parts such as this pot metal casted wing. most parts of this size and little larger can be modeled and remade for replacing missing, rotten parts that are too far gone to repair.
In the near future we will have the ability to produce larger pot metal castings with the finest detailed parts possible that will be parallel to that of original parts.
Stay Tuned…
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