’37 Buick RoadMaster Grille

Trusted by hundreds for our pot metal restoration and Repair

Restoring a ’37 Buick
Roadmaster Grille

Here’s a ’37 Buick grille I did for a gentleman here in town. If you’ve seen the photos below, you’ll notice he had all the broken sections strapped together with plumber’s pipe tape. The owner was very skeptical and nervous about the grille being destroyed due to the fact that no one has been able to solve this century old problem. When he received his final product, the owner was very surprised! It was the first time he had seen the grille in two pieces and in great shape aside from the fact that it needed to be re-chromed.Ā  Overall, this was one of the more difficult projects that I’ve done, but I’m always up for a challenge when it comes to Pot Metal repair.

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