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pot Metal

In response to all the content thieves giving very bad advise about “Welding Pot Metal”.

Welding Pot Metal…

welding pot metal is as easy as this piece looks bad.

Here’s an example of an attempt to weld this pot metal bracket.

You may have noticed, but lately there has been quite a few pages popping up for “Welding pot Metal” and the like, but be advised about the information they’re promoting, such as: “a/c tig welders, 80 amps 5 to 10 seconds etc, etc, etc. And this phrase “Takes Time and Talent” was stolen form my front page…  These folks, while might be well-intentioned, however with those welder settings you will, with absolute certianty end with something that looks like this piece right here…

Let’s say you go out and buy yourself a a/c tig welder for welding pot metal.  You get it all set up and ready to go. You set your new A/C tig welder on 80 amps and light up on your pot metal parts…. This is where it gets interesting… In less than a second, you will have vaporized your part and now it’s a pretty shiny molting puddle of pot metal on your work bench.

But don’t take my advise. Give a try – follow the advise of these content curaters who steal portions of original content then let them know how it went for you. I bet you’ll have some interesting words to say about their “Welding Pot Metal” advise. lol

Enough about that…

To be successful at welding pot metal, it takes so much more than knowing the process and/or what  equipment to use and how to set it up. it takes a significant amount of metallurgy understanding – casting impurities, what form of zamac was used to create the pot metal part or antique decor etc. There are many things you must know and fully understand to be successful at welding pot metal.  You see, welding pot metal isn’t like any other form of welding and I’m damned sure it’s nothing like welding aluminum. It’s an art that only a handful can do an fewer that can do it well.

Real World Advise About Welding Pot Metal.

If you would like some real world advise about what can be done with your pot metal parts or antique spelter castings. Do yourself a huge favor and send a couple photos and a brief description about your project. It won’t cost you a penny and we won’t hound you day after day trying to get your business.